Use "equator|equators" in a sentence

1. Also called dip equator, magnetic equator , or Aclinic …

2. The magnetic equator.

3. Singapore is near the equator.

4. The equator engirds the earth.

5. Rainforests occur around the equator.

6. A thousand leagues along the equator.

7. Singapore is/lies on the Equator.

8. At the equator no star is Circumpolar.

9. 1 synonym for magnetic equator: Aclinic line

10. The lake lies exactly on the equator.

11. GPS operates best near the equator.

12. 6 Equinox means sun is over the equator.

13. It forms a right angle with the equator.

14. The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the world north of the equator, and the Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator.

15. It is very hot near the equator.

16. 1 GPS operates best near the equator.

17. I've found the magnetic instability near the sun's equator.

18. The island is twenty degrees south of the equator.

19. The circulation in each hemisphere consists of a low-level equatorward movement of air from about 30° latitude to the equator, rising air near the equator, poleward flow aloft from the equator to 30° and descending motion near 30°.

20. The corona is thickest at the Sun's equator.

21. Mars' 'equator' needs to be accurately established for mapping.

22. So again, here we are at that equator moment.

23. The degree of overlap increases away from the equator.

24. The Aclinic line is also termed the magnetic equator

25. Achernar spins so fast that its equator bulges outward

26. 1 The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the world north of the equator, and the Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator.

27. The magnetic equator shows the position before the Martian cataclysm.

28. The island is just 80 miles north of the equator.

29. For instance, when the ITCZ is situated north of the Equator, the southeast trade wind changes to a southwest wind as it crosses the Equator.

30. The Aclinic line is also termed the magnetic equator

31. And more recently you can see it's just around the equator.

32. The cold waters here allow them to survive on the equator

33. The Equator marked the zero-degree parallel of latitude for Ptolemy.

34. AT: Well, we're on the equator, and I'm sure many of you understand that when you're on the equator, it's supposed to be in the doldrums.

35. Suppose you were riding above the earth’s equator in a satellite.

36. Burundi, country in east-central Africa, south of the Equator

37. Aclinic line definition: → magnetic equator Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

38. So it's like the equator or the lines of longitude.

39. I was keelhauled the first time I crossed the equator.

40. The countries south of the equator are in the Southern Hemisphere.

41. Voyager Two also found a giant storm south of Neptune's equator.

42. It's out in the middle of the Pacific, right around the Equator.

43. He knew that darkly pigmented peoples were found close to the equator;

44. It occurs close to sunrise and sunset and near the magnetic equator.

45. The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.

46. It fails, however, at the magnetic equator, where the field lines are horizontal, and requires an inversion of the orientating reaction for maintaining the same direction beyond the magnetic equator.

47. Yes, I would have to speak Spanish, and right on the steamy equator!

48. Bauxite deposits are mainly found in a wide belt around the equator.

49. The line on Venus is fixed to its surface at the equator.

50. The sun, moon, and planets pass almost directly overhead at the Equator.

51. We are at exactly 23 and a half degrees north of the equator.

52. The sun heats the sea more at the equator than at the poles.

53. Both cities are at a distance from the equator similar to that of Melbourne.

54. Thus, at consecutive perihelion passages, opposite points on the equator pointed at the Sun.

55. The Equator passes through the southern edge of the country; therefore, Colombia also …

56. Cepheus lies north of the Ecliptic which is different to the Celestial Equator

57. All Allegorize the Sun, six months above and six months below the equator

58. Transequatorial migrants must have developped additional orientation aids to cross the magnetic equator.

59. Most commercial Clove producers locate their plantations within 10 degrees of the equator

60. Republic of the Congo, country situated astride the Equator in west-central Africa

61. As Ruskin mentioned, the Alerce live as far south of the equator as …

62. 7 Celestial equator is not the same circle as degrees ecliptic and not.

63. SCINDA observations in the # ° belt on either side of the magnetic equator are sought

64. Cyclones are rare in the Seychelles on account of its nearness to the Equator.

65. It is a calm, clear, beautiful day-the kind seen only at the equator.

66. Note: Magnetic equator and northern and southern magnetic latitudes at # ° are shown by dashed lines

67. Ecuador is draped across the equator in the north-western corner of South America.

68. This means the equator must be facing at a 90° angle from the poles.

69. All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.

70. Global temperature fell so low that the equator was as cold as modern-day Antarctica.

71. the city is located on the magnetic equator and is aligned parallel to it!

72. Animals and birds of great variety inhabit this great river basin of the equator.

73. This pattern defies the common equator-pole gradient, suggesting that different factors are at play.

74. Minus sign indicates west of prime meridian in longitude and south of equator in latitude.

75. Geostationary weather satellites orbit the Earth above the equator at altitudes of 35,880 km (22,300 miles).

76. Magnetic equator and northern and southern magnetic latitudes at 20° are shown by dashed lines.

77. The magnetodisk has a thin current sheet at the middle plane, approximately near the magnetic equator.

78. Born in the scalding heat of the equator, she had, after all, been named after snow.

79. SCINDA observations in the 20° belt on either side of the magnetic equator are sought.

80. Some of the energetic particles are trapped near the equator of Ganymede, creating mini-radiation belts.